
1 About

This is work in progress. It seems that we we need:

  • Identify your keyboard
  • Find special keys on your keyboard
  • Description of special keys
  • Practice in typing special keys.

2 Warning

Do not rely on any promises made on this page. Things may change.

3 Special keys

The table below gives know the location of some special keys. We give it now for reference. They is no need to learn it all now. We’ll describe spacial keys as we introduce them.

Table 1: Special keys
Name Character(s) Location
Parentheses ( and ) Above 9 and 0
Square brackets [ and ] To the right of p
Backslash \ It depends
Curly braces { and } Above [ and ]
Caret ^ Above 6
Underscore _ Below hyphen -
Pipe | It depends